August 2017 Wrap Up


I have mixed feelings saying goodbye to August. It was a month full of transitions: fourth year, merging core groups, new house, more responsibilities, increase in workload, and new opportunities academically, spiritually, physically, and career-wise. August, you were overwhelming.

Leadership Retreat: I went to my last XA leadership retreat and really felt the weight of those who went before me. Beyond Chi Alpha, I felt the weight of those who shared the good news of Christ hundreds of years prior and how they ran the race well. I want to hand off the baton to the next generation and leave UVA better than when I came. The legacy I want to leave behind is faithfully sharing the hope of Christ.

Fall Blitz: I love fall blitz as a second year core group leader. I feel like I am a great wing-woman and can easily connect first years with their first year core group leaders. It’s also so fun to love on first years without the pressure of wanting them to be in my core group. It feels natural. I’ve also loved seeing the girls in my core group both old and new reach out to 2nd years as well as 1st years. They are stepping into leadership and it’s so so cool to see. I am just so proud of them and expectant of what God’s going to do this year.

Start of 4th Year: My first day of school was in Staunton for my psych clinical… Thanks nursing. Academically, I feel like I’m in a good place though. I love all of my classes. My psych and transitional care class and clinicals are both really interesting and fun. I am also in a Sufism class with my two best friends, which is a first because #nursingschool. I’ve reached out to professors about practicum placements and am praying about where to go. I really want to work in a NICU unit, but the options are so limited…

Nursing: For the first time, I felt competent and confident in my clinicals. August renewed my love for nursing, but also affirmed my choice to give-a-year after graduation. I talked to a nursing alumni who took a year off and came back to work in the NICU at INOVA afterwards and she said it was one of the best things that happened to her. She felt mentally ready to take on her new job and prepared to do it well. My job in the mean time is to learn as much about the application process as I can and prepare for it when the time comes.

Give-a-Year: I talked to Pete with my friend who I’m planning on giving a year with and we got to talk about where it would be strategic to go. Still praying as to where to go and with who beyond just the two of us.

TH Mentor: I am a Theological Horizon’s fellow and recently got assigned a spiritual direction certified mentor. I had my first meeting with her and was pleased to find out that she was a critical care nurse as well as a missionary in Japan for 5 years. She worked with a Christian organization that helped with church planting, but the way she explained it made it sound like she didn’t see much fruit during her time there. I am looking forward to talking through with her my plans after graduation.

House Mom: Rewarding, challenging, tedious, but necessary. It helps that I love my housemates.

Mug Party: Last mug party as an undergrad and I brought the mug I got my first year. It was huge. More than 1300 people came and I met a girl who’s currently involved in my core group!

Jessica Williams: HILARIOUS. Her comedian show was so funny, so woke, so relevant, and had me laughing so hard.

Core Group: Leading second years is so different from leading first years and it is such a blessing. I am thankful for this transition because I love the girls I discipled last years and I am so excited and expectant for God to do crazy things once again this year. Praying for a successful merge and more deep relationships centered on Christ. I’m also so thankful to have such understanding co-leaders who love me so well. God has blessed me in this transition.

Kung Fu Tea: A KFT opened up in Charlottesville and I went for the first time with one of my co-leaders. We went after going on a XAI humpback hike and just sat and caught up on life. It was nice to spend quality time away from serving others and refocus on what God’s doing in our lives individually.